Real Impact Needs Real Measurement.

We believe impact is not just about issuing loans. We leverage proprietary technology and processes to foster financial wellness.

Committed to widespread financial wellness

Our mission is to spread financial wellness in emerging markets through access to responsible credit. We invest in companies and technology that reach underserved populations to create positive impact.

See Our Latest Impact Report

Rigorous, technology-driven impact measurement

Accial is an industry leader in using technology to measure and report impact. Through an API connection with each of our borrowers, we capture impact data in real time and verify it for accuracy.

Our proprietary technology automatically aligns the data with the IRIS+ standards developed by the Global Impact Investor Network (GIIN). We supplement these metrics by engaging directly with underlying borrowers at scale to deeply understand the real-world impact.


Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals


Financial Wellbeing:

We believe that financial inclusion – reaching people with loans – is not enough. We focus our investments on companies that create financial resilience: empowering people with financial tools that help them to better manage their finances and improve their livelihoods.


Empowerment of Small Businesses:

We support entrepreneurs and business owners with the capital they need to scale, create jobs, and foster innovation, driving the broader economic development of their communities.


Gender Equality:

We apply gender lens investing strategies to prioritize investments that support the economic empowerment of women, bridging the gender gap in financial access.


Economic Opportunity for All:

We invest in companies that expand access to credit to underserved populations, including low-income individuals, rural areas, and marginalized groups.

Industry Collaboration:

We are proud members of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and 2X Global. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of impact investing and gender lens investing, and work collaboratively with other leaders in the field to advance the impact investment ecosystem.


Case Study

Accial Capital provides financing to Awantunai, a fintech company in Indonesia, that supports small businesses in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector.

Through inventory financing, online ordering, and digital inventory management solutions, AwanTunai empowers MSMEs to scale their businesses and expand access to essential goods and services.

Thus far, Accial’s facility has financed nearly 6,000 small businesses, over 40% of whom are owned by women. One of these small businesses is Surya Shop in South Jakarta, Indonesia. With access to a loan of $1,500 from Awantunai, the business was able to grow from a mom-and-pop shop to a semi-wholesaler store. Beyond the financial support, Awantunai’s inventory management software was instrumental in helping the business owner to improve inventory management.

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